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H1B LCA Salaries of Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C for FY* 2024

H1B LCA Salary Distribution for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C by Wage Level

This table contains a complete overview of the H1B salary data for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C at various wage levels. It provides the LCA count, minimum salary, mean/average salary, median salary, 75th percentile salary, 90th percentile salary, and maximum salary at each level. The data shows the distribution of salaries and aids in understanding the salary range and trend for H1B LCAs at various wage levels.

LCA CountJob LevelMinimum SalaryMean/Avg SalaryMedian Salary 75th Percentile Salary90th Percentile SalaryMaximum Salary

H1B LCA Salary Distribution for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C - All Levels

Our analysis reveals that the median salary across all H1B LCAs submitted for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C in FY 2024 stands at N/A. Median salary is the midpoint reflection of reported salaries. Also, the 75th percentile salary for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C in FY 2024 indicates that 75% of reported salaries fall below N/A. The 90th percentile salary is at N/A for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C. You can use this data set and chart to understand the salary distribution for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C in FY 2024. The salary filed for H1B LCAs closely match the base salaries for the job title.
LCA CountMinimum SalaryMean/Avg SalaryMedian Salary75th Percentile Salary90th Percentile SalaryMaximum Salary
Min Salary: The lowest recorded salary among all H1B LCA entries.
Mean Salary: The average salary across all H1B LCA entries.
Median Salary: The middle value in a sorted dataset of all H1B LCAsalaries.
75th Percentile: The salary below which 75% of H1B LCAs fall.
90th Percentile: The salary below which 90% of H1B LCAs fall.
Max Salary: The highest recorded salary among all H1B LCA entries.

H1B Base Salaries list for Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C 

Below is a list of job titles along with the number of LCAs filed by the employer Yuhan Heating & AIR Conditioning C for FY 2024. You can also see the maximum, minimum, and average salary for each job title. This should give you a good idea of the salary range at this employer, which will be close to the base salary offered for each job title.

H1B Job Title LCA Count Maximum Salary Average Salary Minimum Salary

*Fiscal Year for US Dept of Labor starts from Oct 1st, ends Sep 30th.
E.g. Fiscal Year 2020 Starts Oct 1, 2019, ends Sep 30, 2020
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