H1B Sponsor Checker by H1BGrader.com. Download Chrome Extension

How to Install and Use H1B Sponsor Checker Extension by H1BGrader.com?

  1. Open the Google Chrome web browser on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the H1B Sponsor Checker Extension by H1BGrader.com page on Chrome Web Store
  3. Search for the extension you want to install using the search bar at the top of the page.
  4. Click on the "Add to Chrome" button on that page to proceed.
  5. You will get a pop-up asking to confirm. Click on the "Add Extension" button on the pop-up to proceed.
  6. Wait for the extension to be downloaded and installed. This may take a few seconds. You will get a small notification on the browser extensions section next to address bar indicating the Chrome extension is installed.

How to Use the H1B Sponsor Checker Extension by H1BGrader.com

  1. Once the extension has been installed, you should see the Extension icon similar to H1BGrader.com website icon in the top-right corner of your browser window, next to the address bar.
  2. Click on the extension icon to open its menu.
  3. You will have option to Sign or Register. In general, you need an "Access Code" to use the extension. If you are using the extension for the first time, you will need to click on Register and go through the signup process, where you will need to give your email id and register. Once you sign-up, you will get an "Access Code" sent to your email.
  4. Once you have the Access code, click on the extension icon, then on the Sign in button and enter the Access Code. If the access code is valid, you will be successfully authenticated.
  5. You can go to LinkedIn.com Job Search section and click on any job. You will see the H1B sponsorship information about the company highlighted in a circular box that has the title "Powered by H1BGrader.com Extension"
  6. You can click on "Explore Historical Information" to view the H1B sponsorship information about the company