H1B Sponsor Checker by H1BGrader.com. Download Chrome Extension

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment options do you accept?
Currently, we only accept payments made in USD using US PayPal accounts or US-issued credit cards.
What is the refund policy for H1B Sponsor Checker Extension by H1BGrader?
Please note that all purchases are final, and we do not offer refunds. The reason for this policy is that every user is provided with a complimentary 60-job posting trial of the Grande Plan. We believe this free trial allows users to experience the extension and its value for their job search as an H1B holder before making a commitment.
The H1B employer names matched in the extension have INC, LTD, LLC, ESQ, etc. at the end. Why is that?
In general, every company has an official name and Doing Business As(DBA) name. Most of the times, the official name would have Incorporated ( Short form INC), Limited (Short form LTD), etc. at the end of the company name. For example, Apple is the common company name, everyone uses in job postings. But, the official name of the company is Apple Incorporated, shortly referred as Apple INC. This is the reason you see the names with some endings. We at H1BGrader, get the official names as filed by the companies with US Department of Labor or USCIS, hence you see that extensions at the end. We try our best to match the right company. If you see any discrepancies, please report using the report incorrect data button.
I have an issue and want to discuss. Can we speak to someone on phone for support?
Currently, we only provide support via email. Please send your queries or issues in email to support [at] h1bgrader.com
Is the H1B Sponsor Chrome Extension by H1BGrader.com Safe?
Yes, we follow all the Google defined standards to build the extension for privacy and security. Our extension is reviewed and vetted by Google. You can check the badges on the chrome store to know more.
Do you store any of my payment information?
No, we do not store any of your payment information. The whole payment flow is handled by PayPal, we only get the confirmation from them you have made the payment and the email you used for payment. No credit card, bank or debit card details are shared with us. Paypal does all of that and we have no access to anything other than your email.
Does your extension work on mobile devices?
The extension is optimized and designed for desktop browsers. We do not provide support for mobile browsers.
Do you provide any job search services for H1B Holders?
At the moment, we do not provide any additional services for job search for H1B holders.
I have a feedback, suggestions to improve, how can I share?
We love to get your feedback, please share it via email to support [at] h1bgrader.com
Can I buy the extension subscription for two or more people at the same time?
No, every user has to buy separately using their email. We do not support bulk purchase at the moment. You can reach out to our support, if you have such requirement.
What is the contact email address for support ?
Please contact us at email: support [at] h1bgrader.com
How soon can I expect response for support emails?
We do our best to respond to emails at the earliest. You can expect a response anywhere from one to three business days.